haku: @indexterm Transaction costs / yhteensä: 345
viite: 62 / 345
Tekijä:Gregoriou, A.
Ioannidis, C.
Otsikko:Information costs and liquidity effects from changes in the FTSE 100 list
Lehti:European Journal of Finance
2006 : JUN, VOL. 12:4, p. 347-360
stock exchanges
transaction costs
Tiivistelmä:This paper analyzes the effects of composition changes in FTSE 100 list on stock price. The data is from the period of 1984-2001. The authors find that price and trading volumes of newly listed companies increase. This evidence is consistent with the results obtained from similar studies conducted with the S&P 500 list.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 262204
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