haku: @indexterm Transaction costs / yhteensä: 345
viite: 60 / 345
Tekijä:Carter, R.
Hodgson, G. M.
Otsikko:The impact of empirical tests of transaction cost economics on the debate on the nature of the firm
Lehti:Strategic Management Journal
2006 : MAY, VOL 27:5, p. 461-476
transaction costs
social sciences
Tiivistelmä:Transaction cost economics (TCE) is one of the most important developments in social sciences strengthened by numerous empirical studies. This article submits the most prominent TCE empirical work to critical scrunity and finds a mixed picture which doesn't give unambiguous support to the original ideas. In addition, some of the studies can be reinterpreted with regard to a competence or capabilities approach. The conclusion is that empirical evidence is not comprehensive and that other theoretical approaches should be tested as well.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 262435
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