haku: @freeterm E-Commerce / yhteensä: 349
viite: 22 / 349
Tekijä:Ching, H.L.
Ellis, P.
Otsikko:Does relationship marketing exist in cyberspace?
Lehti:Management International Review
2006 : VOL. 46:5, p. 557-572
Asiasana:electronic commerce
relationship marketing
Vapaa asiasana:e-commerce
Tiivistelmä:This study aims to assess whether the unique transacting properties of the Internet promote or hinder the development of exchange relationships. It is found that exchanges (here as: exhgs.) conducted in unregulated cyber-markets are invested with similar expectations and norms regarding cooperative behaviour as more traditional marketplace exhgs. Especially, it is shown that virtual markets are not anonymous and that online exchgs. have many of the characteristics of traditional offline exchgs. Thus, many of the standard prescriptions of relationship marketing may be transferable to e-commerce settings. Addressability and connectivity features of the Web should be looked on to pursue relational (as: rel.) exchgs. with clients and suppliers. Rel. exchgs. both lower the costs of contracting and also may permit quicker responses to emerging opportunities in turbulent markets.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263217
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