haku: @indexterm EXPORTING / yhteensä: 356
viite: 87 / 356
Tekijä:Chetty, S.
Hamilton, R.
Otsikko:The process of exporting in owner-controlled firms
Lehti:International Small Business Journal
1995 : VOL. 14:2, p. 12-25
Tiivistelmä:The main purpose of this paper was to identify how similar firms become exporters and, once embarked, why some perform better than others. It is based on the findings of a multi-case study investigation of exporters and non-exporters within two major New Zealand manufacturing industries. The discussion is set in the context of the academic literature on exporting and the findings should be of interest to owner-managers in smaller firms considering exporting and to those framing policy to support exporting.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 142640
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