haku: @indexterm Exporting / yhteensä: 356
viite: 59 / 356
Tekijä:Burgel, O.
Murray, G. C.
Otsikko:The international market entry choices of start-up companies in high-technology industries
Lehti:Journal of international marketing
2000 : VOL. 8:2, p. 33-62
Asiasana:International business
High technology
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:For a young, resource-constrained, technology-based start-up embarking on international sales, the choice of entry mode is strategic decision of major importance. The authors address this important issue by analyzing the determinants of 398 export decisions taken from a U. K. survey of 246 technology-based start-ups with international activities. The findings show that yhe entry mode decision is necasserarily a trade-off between the resources available and the support requirements of the customer.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 223114
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