haku: @indexterm Exporting / yhteensä: 356
viite: 54 / 356
Tekijä:Kamnaratna, A. R.
Johnson, L. W.
Rao, C. P.
Otsikko:The Exporter - Import Agent Contract and the Influence of Cultural Dimensions
Lehti:Journal of Marketing Management
2001 : FEB, VOL. 17:1-2, p. 137-158
Tiivistelmä:This paper examines the relationship between an exporter and an import agent in an international marketing channel using agency theory and cultural dimension frameworks, and proposes a research agenda with five testable propositions from this literature. The paper also presents the concept of the dimensional gap that exporters may need to bridge in order to form an efficient contractual relationship. The authors suggest that in a cross cultural encounter, a divergence of cultural dimensions between the parties to the contract will impact adversely on agency costs and lead to contractual inefficiencies. The paper presents five testable propositions suggesting that cultural gaps within power distance, individualism and masculinity, can be bridged through greater flexibility and adaptability in management decisions acquired through experience and learning.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 227296
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