haku: @indexterm Asset valuation / yhteensä: 357
viite: 34 / 357
Tekijä:Ackert, L.F.
Church, B.K.
Zhang, P.
Otsikko:Asset prices and informed traders' abilities: evidence from experimental asset markets
Lehti:Accounting, Organizations and Society
2004 : OCT, VOL. 29:7, p. 609-626
Asset valuation
Vapaa asiasana:Asset markets
Tiivistelmä:The results of 15 experimental asset markets are reported to investigate the effects of forecasts on market prices, traders' abilities to assess asset value, and the link between the two. Alternative forecast-generating processes are investigated across the 15 markets. In some markets the process produces an unbiased estimate of asset value, and in others a biased estimates. The processes generating the biased forecasts, though, are less variable than the process generating the unbiased forecast. It is found that, generally, period-end asset price reflects private forecasts, regardless of the forecast-generating processes.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258505
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