haku: @indexterm asset valuation / yhteensä: 357
viite: 26 / 357
Tekijä:Willis, S.
Webb, S.
Otsikko:Measuring the value of insight – it can and must be done
Lehti:International Journal of Market Research
2007 : VOL.49:2,p. 155- 165
Asiasana:asset valuation
Vapaa asiasana:customer insight
value of insight
Tiivistelmä:The article discusses customer insight teams and how they are developing. As they have placed more emphasis on the communication of insight, they have however remained reactive. One factor to becoming proactive is their ability to measure the value of insight. In order to use customer insight as a strategic asset, the value has to be measured.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263838
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