haku: @indexterm asset valuation / yhteensä: 357
viite: 24 / 357
Tekijä:Piazzesi, M.
Schneider, M.
Tuzel, S
Otsikko:Housing, consumption and asset pricing
Lehti:Journal of Financial Economics
2007 : MAR, VOL. 83:3, p. 531-569
housing finance
asset valuation
Vapaa asiasana:real estate
Tiivistelmä:The study introduces a consumption-based asset pricing model with housing. In the model, housing is considered both as an asset and as a consuption good. Households care about the composition of a consumption basket containing housing and other goods. That is why they are concerned about composition risk caused by fluctuation in the relative share of housing in their consumption basket. The model is calibrated to data on housing expenditures and nonhousing consumption. As a result, the riskless rate is low helping the model to improve the standard CCAPM. In addition, the study shows that the housing share is useful when forecasting the excess returns on stocks.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 266240
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