haku: @journal_id 1767 / yhteensä: 36
viite: 27 / 36
Tekijä:Lorenzo, L.
Pereira, A.
Xoubanova, M.
Otsikko:The Simpsons / Los Simpson analysis of an audiovisual translation
Lehti:Translator : Studies in Intercultural Communication
2003 : NOV, VOL. 9:2, p. 269-291
Film industry
Case studies
Tiivistelmä:This paper presents a case study of the Spanish translation of the famous American TV series The Simpsons, focusing on the translation of humour, which is the dominant textual function of the series (Nord 1997). This paper's analysis draws on Agost's theoretical framework (1999) for the study of audiovisual products (based on Hatim and Mason's model (1990). For the purposes of this paper, the analysis is limited to the categories for the translation of humour advanced by Zabalbeascoa (1992) and Fuentes Luque (2000). Following these models, the analysis is divided into three sections: (a) the pragmatic dimension, (b) the semiotic dimension, and (c) the communicative dimension. The objective is to describe and evaluate the chosen strategies of translation. The paper's conclusion seems to confirm the thesis put forward by theorists such as Toury (1995) and Venuti (1995) that the translator intervenes actively and creatively in the text to make it suit his or her own purposes.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 252636
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