haku: @indexterm LATIN AMERICA / yhteensä: 367
viite: 59 / 367
Tekijä:Huang, H-T.
Miozzo, M.
Otsikko:Patterns of technological specialisation in Latin American and East Asian countries: an analysis of patents and trade flows
Lehti:Economics of innovation and new technology
2004 : OCT, VOL. 13:7, p. 615-653
Latin America
Tiivistelmä:The article provides an extensive analysis of the technological specialisation (henceforth as: t-spec.) of three Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil and Mexico) and two East Asian countries (South Korea and Taiwan). T-spec. is measured both with respect to patents and trade flows. This article provides different measures of t-spec: Ricardian and Smithian specialization indexes and the contribution to trade balance. These indicators provide a new picture of the evolution of the patterns of t-spec. Latin American countries show a divergent t-spec. from East Asian countries, since the 1970s. Particularly, Latin American countries display weaknesses in computers and communications and electrical and electronic sectors and their specialization in fast growing technological classes is declining, in contrast to East Asian countries. While East Asian countries have shifted to specialized supplier or science-based sectors, Latin American countries have increased their trade specialization in supplier-dominated or scale-intensive sectors.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 255363
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