haku: @journal_id 1494 / yhteensä: 37
viite: 21 / 37
Tekijä:Ma, Yu
Otsikko:Foreign investment, too much? (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Chinese Economic Information (c)
1996 : 14, p.6
Tiivistelmä:In view of China's economic scale and its population scale, foreign investment in China is relatively still at a lower level. The year 1995 saw the most foreign investment in China. But the per capita actually used foreign direct investment was only USD 30. According to another analysis, the actually used foreign direct investment in China in 1995 reached USD 33.74 billion, ranking second in the world. Although foreign investment in China is indeed large in terms of quantity and its proportion to the whole society's investment in fixed assets has increased year by year, it can still play a supplementary role in China's economy for the scale of China's economy is large and the construction task is heavy.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 154950
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