haku: @journal_id 1679 / yhteensä: 374
viite: 78 / 374
Tekijä:Rodger, K.
Moore, S.A.
Newsome, D.
Otsikko:Wildlife tourism, science and actor network theory
Lehti:Annals of Tourism Research
2009 : OCT, VOL. 36:4, p. 645-666
Tiivistelmä:Around the world, wildlife tourism is an important component of tourism. Actor-network (here as: a-n.) theory, with its attention to the actors and relationships making science possible, is used to describe and analyze the development and decline of scientific research into the effects of tourism on wildlife in the Antarctic region. It is concluded that a-n. theory provides a robust description of the complex role and positioning of science in wildlife tourism, while at the same time it is suggested that further attention to actors' relative power and scientists' normative beliefs are essential analysis' elements.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271780
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