haku: @indexterm DECISION MAKING / yhteensä: 3774
viite: 1006 / 3774
Tekijä:Jain, B. A.
Otsikko:Predictors of performance of venture capitalist-backed organizations
Lehti:Journal of Business Research
2001 : JUN, VOL. 52:3, p. 223-233
Asiasana:Venture capital companies
Decision making
Initial public offerings
Vapaa asiasana:IPO
Tiivistelmä:This study develops and evaluates models examining the impact and relative importance of venture-capitalist factors, managerial strategy, industry structure variables, and their interactions on performance of venture capital-backed organizatiosn. The models are evaluated based on their ability to predict whether the VC-backed venture will provide superior long-term performance.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 222326
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