haku: @indexterm ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN / yhteensä: 384
viite: 47 / 384
Tekijä:Armistead, C.
Meakins, M.
Otsikko:A framework for practising knowledge management
Lehti:Long Range Planning
2002 : FEB, VOL. 35:1, p. 49-71
Asiasana:Knowledge management
Organizational design
Information technology
Tiivistelmä:The management of an intangibleasset such as knowledge is beset with complex and theoretical concepts. The authors set out a matrix that describes four approaches to knowledge management based on whether it is in an organisational or an individual contect, and whether knowledge management is imposed or empowered by managerial approaches. It explores the validity of the framework through an analysis of ongoing mangement projects at seven organisations.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 234773
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