haku: @indexterm Logic / yhteensä: 39
viite: 17 / 39
Tekijä:Brady, A.
Otsikko:Small is as small does
Lehti:Journal of Business Strategy
1995 : MAR/APR, VOL. 16:2, p. 44-54
Tiivistelmä:What can big business learn from small business? Plenty. But beware - the same mistakes can kill any company, any size. Small businesses are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. economy. Small businesses are where all the new jobs are. Big businesses better learn how to act like small businesses or they'll be out of business. Well, they're all true. In fact, small companies are where the action is. According to "The State of Small Business", a report from the President's office, industries dominated by small businesses performed better than those dominated by larger firms.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 130760
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