haku: @indexterm RURAL DEVELOPMENT / yhteensä: 39
viite: 18 / 39
Tekijä:Bebbington, A.
Perreault, T.
Otsikko:Social capital, development, and access to resources in highland Ecuador
Lehti:Economic Geography
1999 : OCT, VOL. 75:4, p. 395-418
Asiasana:Economic geography
Social geography
Rural development
Tiivistelmä:Building on recent statement calling for greater emphasis on the roles of organized actors and civil society in development research, the authors analyze the utility of themes raised in current debates on social capita for pursuing such lines of inquiry. They develop a framework for linking social capital to discussions of sustainability of livelihoods and local economies in two dimensions: patterns of access to other forms of capital, both directly and through engaging with state, market, and other civil society actors. They then use the framework to discuss a case from highland Ecuador.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 203135
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