haku: @indexterm MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS / yhteensä: 39
viite: 3 / 39
Tekijä:Tasci, A.D.A
Otsikko:Assessment of factors influencing destination image using a multiple regression model
Lehti:Tourism review
2007 : VOL. 62:2 p. 23-30
multiple regression analysis
Vapaa asiasana:destination image
image determinants
image model
Tiivistelmä:In this study the authors research the rarely studied issue of the relative magnitude of different factors that influence the destination image. The impact of these factors to destination image is studied through analysis on the large scale and longitudinal dataset of the Michigan Regional Travel Market Survey, using multiple regression analysis. The authors use a set of travel behavior variables and sociodemographic variables as well as one variable connected to the survey methodology. The findings indicate that only few of selected variables (i.e. age, race and visitation) were found to be obvious.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 266762
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