haku: @indexterm COUNTRY COMPARISONS / yhteensä: 394
viite: 25 / 394
Tekijä:Knudsen, K.
Wærness, K.
Otsikko:National context and spouses' housework in 34 countries
Lehti:European sociological review
2008 : FEB, VOL. 24:1, p. 97-113
Asiasana:human relations
individual behaviour
country comparisons
Tiivistelmä:This article examines the effect micro and macro factors have on the sharing of housework. The study focuses on national context and economic development. The interplay between micro and macro-level forces is examined. The data set consists of International Social Survey Programme conducted in 34 countries. The results show that female empowerment affects spouses' hours of domestic labor. Micro-level factors are important when explaining differences within national contexts. Finally, the interplay between macro-level factors and individual factors is not statistically significant.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267053
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