haku: @indexterm Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) / yhteensä: 396
viite: 50 / 396
Tekijä:Reijonen, H.
Komppula, R.
Otsikko:The adoption of market orientation in SMEs: Required capabilities and relation to success
Lehti:Journal of Strategic Marketing
2010 : FEB, VOL. 18:1, p. 19-37
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
small business
Nordic countries
Vapaa asiasana:market orientation
Tiivistelmä:This paper aims at providing an integrated view on the adoption of market orientation (hereafter as: m-orn.) in SMEs and what kind of marketing capabilities are necessary for a small firm to act in a market oriented way. It also deals with how m-orn. is related to small firm success. Based on data gathered via a survey and thematic interviews in three different branches of industry in Eastern Finland, it is shown that the studied SMEs had adopted different levels of m-orn. Market intelligence was generated. However, it was not necessarily done continuosly or systematically. Furthermore, the acquired customer and competitor information was not disseminated or responded to actively. Hence, the studied companies need to enhance their capabilities concerning these tasks of m-orn. The key elements of m-orn, e.g. customer orientation and market intelligence, were seen as important success factors in SMEs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 269457
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