haku: @indexterm Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMES) / yhteensä: 396
viite: 119 / 396
Tekijä:Duh, M.
Belak, J.
Otsikko:Special knowledge needs of family enterprises in transition economies: experiences from Slovenia
Lehti:Knowledge management research & practice
2008 : SEP, VOL. 6:3, p. 187-198
Asiasana:family firms
small and medium-sized enterprises (smes)
competitive advantage
Tiivistelmä:The majority of enterprises are family ones in many countries. There is a need to create special knowledge because of the particularities in the development and management of family enterprises. Therefore, in providing knowledge to these enterprises consideration must be given to their complexity. This article discusses the importance of knowledge created and transferred from external sources such as counselling, publications and education and training programs. In many countries with established market economies, external sources of knowledge considering the unique characteristics of family enterprises are well developed. In Slovenia, such external sources of knowledge are rare and still developing. The results of the research concerning Slovenia indicate that more than two-thirds of family business owner-managers regard such sources of knowledge as unimportant.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270646
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