haku: @author Liu, Yu / yhteensä: 4
viite: 3 / 4
Tekijä:Liu, Yu
Otsikko:The theoretical thinking on the problem of peasant's burden (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Reform of Economic System (c)
1993 : 6, p.89-98
Tiivistelmä:The rush growth momentum has been restrained effectively through whole nation's efforts these years. But the efforts are not balance, many theoretical problems concerned peasant's burden have not yet been solved. The possibility are likely to exist that peasant's burden continues to appear cyclically. This paper analyses the problem of peasant's burden theoretically, probes into deep problems concerned peasant's burden, such as strengthening regulation, deepening understanding adjusting state macro-strategy of economic development and gradually rectifying the unreasonable relations between industry and agriculture and between city and rural and greatly developing village and commune collective economy and radically alleviating peasant's burden.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 114469
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