haku: @author Barnes, F. C. / yhteensä: 4
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Tekijä:Stevenson, T. H.
Barnes, F. C.
Otsikko:What industrial marketers need to know about ISO 9000 certification: a review, update, and integration with marketing
Lehti:Industrial Marketing Management
2002 : NOV, VOL. 31:8, p. 695-703
Asiasana:Industrial marketing
Tiivistelmä:The ISO 9000 certification series recently underwent a major revision, and much has been learned about the ISO 9000 certification process over the last 14 years. Industrial marketers who have taken a wait and see approach or have decided that the process is irrelevant to their businesses may need to reconsider this decision. To assist in this process, this article reviews the former and current ISO 9000 certification process, discusses the criticisms of the program, provides indormation regearding costs and benefits of certification, and offers suggestions for effectively integrating certification with the marketing program.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 243873
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