haku: @author Chemmanur, T. J. / yhteensä: 4
viite: 2 / 4
Tekijä:Chemmanur, T. J.
Yan, A.
Otsikko:A theory of corporate spin-offs
Lehti:Journal of Financial Economics
2004 : MAY, VOL. 72:2, p. 259-290
Asiasana:Company control
Tiivistelmä:The authors develop a new rationale for corporate spin-offs based on corporate control considerations. The article shows that a spin-off motivates the incumbent to work harder at managing a firm, or to relinquish control of one of the firms resulting from the spin-off. The article also shows that spin-offs will be associated with positive announcement effects and increases in long-term operating performance. Further, certain categories of spin-offs will exhibit positive abnormal stock returns.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257113
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