haku: @author Jamal, A. / yhteensä: 4
viite: 2 / 4
Tekijä:Jamal, A.
Otsikko:Retail banking and customer behaviour: a study of self concept, satisfaction and technology usage
Lehti:International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
2004 : JUL, VOL. 14:3, p. 357-379
Asiasana:Retail banking
Tiivistelmä:This article examines the impact of self-image congruence on satisfaction and brand preference among users and non-users of technology-based self-services in the area of retail banking. It is argued that the self-image congruence may not necessarily affect satisfaction towards the brand if the customers are using self-service technologies. Customers may experience satisfying and dissatisfying incidents which may not be related to their overall satisfaction towards the service provider. Finally, even though experienced dissatisfying incidents during encounters involving self-service technologies customers may still continue to prefer the service of the provider.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258662
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