haku: @author Orlikowski, W.J. / yhteensä: 4
viite: 2 / 4
Tekijä:Orlikowski, W.J.
Otsikko:Material knowing: the scaffolding of human knowledgeability
Lehti:European journal of information systems
2006 : OCT, VOL. 15:5, p. 460-466
Asiasana:knowledge management
organizational behaviour
Tiivistelmä:This paper argues for the importance of considering materiality (hereafter as: matr-y.) in studies of knowledge (here as: knw.) in organizations. Particularly, it makes the case that our understanding of organizational knw., learning, and capabilities is limited etc. The paper aims at: 1. highlighting how and why matr-y. matters and why it should be taken seriously, and 2. briefly illustrating how the author with colleagues have explored matr-y. in studies of knw. work in research projects.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 265406
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