haku: @indexterm Financial regulation / yhteensä: 40
viite: 20 / 40
Tekijä:Wei, Jianxin
Otsikko:On China's legal control over transnational banks (original in Chinese)
Lehti:International Economic Cooperation (c)
1997 : 7, p.48-50
Tiivistelmä:China has now established a legal framework of supervision and management of transnational banks. A legal system with the "Law of the People's Bank of China" and the "Law of Commercial Banks" as the core has been shaped. China's measures of supervision and management of transnational banks are mainly embodied in two aspects-market access, and business operation and management. With approval, the transnational banks may establish financial institutions to do business within China's territory. They may take the forms like foreign-funded banks, branches of foreign banks, jointly-funded banks, foreign-funded financial corporations and jointly-funded financial corporations, In terms of business operation and management, the scale of savings business.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 164931
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