haku: @indexterm Property tax / yhteensä: 40
viite: 4 / 40
Tekijä:Imrohoroglu, A.
Merlo, A.
Rupert, P.
Otsikko:On the political economy of income redistribution and crime
Lehti:International Economic Review
2000 : FEB, VOL. 41:1, p. 1-25
Asiasana:Political economy
Incomes policy
Economic crime
Property tax
Tiivistelmä:The article analyzes a general equilibrium model in which agents choose to specialize either legitime or criminal activities. Expenditure on police to apprehend criminals , as well as income redistribution, are determined endogenously through majority voting. The authors investigate how crime, redistribution, and police expenditures depend on characteristics of the underlying distribution of income-earning abilities and on the apprehension technology.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 219171
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