haku: @indexterm Textile industry / yhteensä: 406
viite: 189 / 406
Tekijä:Du, Yuzhou
Otsikko:Development of textile industry and the countermeasures (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Management World (c)
1994 : 2, p.122-127
Tiivistelmä:Since 1993, so far as textile industry is concerned, the production goes on developing fitfully. Return of goods sold has been increased; The storage of some main product declines; Import increases to some extent; Costs of price rise up rapidly; Line economic profits continue dropping. At present, textile industry is faced many difficulties, such as the decline of profits, severe loss, lower ability to compete in exporting, and the lower net exchange rate etc. So we should take the following measures: adjust the structure , cut down the totality; speed up the technical innovation, increase the competitive ability in exporting; and give priority to manmade fibre industry.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 128157
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