haku: @indexterm Textile industry / yhteensä: 406
viite: 186 / 406
Otsikko:The State Planning Commission decided to raise the intermediate quasi-factory prices for mulberry silk/Silk Industry (original in Chinese)
Lehti:China Price (c)
1994 : 9, p.21
Tiivistelmä:As a result of the increased price for purchasing silk worm cocoon, the production cost of reeling industry has risen by a big margin. To ease the problems of enterprises and promote the export, the State Planning Commission decided to increase the intermediate quasi-factory prices for mulberry silk. The main contents of regulations are as follows: The intermediate quasi-factory price for 20/22 D2 A grade mulberry silk will be increased from 150,000 yuan per ton to 195,000 yuan per ton, on the basis of which enterprises may fluctuate the price by 8%. For the other grades of mulberry silk, every region may make adjustment correspondingly according to the present price difference set by the state.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 141997
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