haku: @indexterm PUBLIC POLICY / yhteensä: 408
viite: 23 / 408
Tekijä:Lokshin, M.
Yemtsov, R.
Otsikko:Who bears the cost of Russia's military draft?
Lehti:Economics of transition
2008 : VOL. 16:3, p. 359–387
public policy
Vapaa asiasana:households
military draft
Tiivistelmä:Using the data from a large nationally representative survey in Russia, this study empirically estimates the distribution of the burden induced by the military draft. A simple theoretical model is developed to describe household compliance decisions with respect to enlistment as a function of its pre-draft welfare. In order to estimate the effect of household characteristics on the probability of serving in the army, the full information maximum-likelihood instrumental variable model is used. The result indicates that the burden of conscription falls excessively on the poor. Losses incurred by the poor are disproportionately large, exceeding the statutory rates of personal income taxes.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 269952
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