haku: @indexterm Hazardous wastes / yhteensä: 41
viite: 10 / 41
Tekijä:Lohse, J. (et al.)
Otsikko:Never change a running process? Substitution of hazardous chemicals in products and processes: definition, key drivers and barriers
Lehti:Greener Management International
2003 : SPRING, 41, p. 57-76
Asiasana:Case studies
Chemical industry
European Union
Hazardous wastes
Substitute goods
Tiivistelmä:Substitution of hazardous substances by less-hazardous alternatives plays a prominent role as a risk reduction strategy in existing legislation and in the ongoing debate about a future chemicals policy in the EU. Stakeholder perceptions concerning the meaning of substitution, however, differ widely. Some consider it a fundamental principle, others see it as just another tool for managing risks. Also, interests may vary with the position of a company in the supply chain. Whereas retailers of consumer products depend heavily on upstream elimination of hazardous substances, producers of hazardous substances may be more interested in defending their markets.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254905
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