haku: @indexterm NORWAY / yhteensä: 410
viite: 22 / 410
Tekijä:Seierstad, C.
Opsahl, T.
Otsikko:For the few not the may? The effects of affirmative action on presence, prominence, and social capital of women directors in Norway
Lehti:Scandinavian Journal of Management
2011 : MAR, VOL. 27:1 p. 44-54
Asiasana:board of directors
Nordic countries
affirmative action
Tiivistelmä:Governments have implemented various affirmative action policies to address vertical sex segregation in organizations. In Norway, a gender representation law acted as an external shock, and this article aims to examine its effects. Especially, it examines the gender bias, the emergence and sex of prominent directors, and directors' social capital. Data from May 2002 to August 2009 has been utilized to analyze these issues. The implied intention of the law was to create a larger pool of women acting on boards, and this has also happened. Moreover, the new legislation has also created a small elite of women directors who rank among the top on a number of proxies of influence.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273617
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