haku: @indexterm air transport / yhteensä: 414
viite: 80 / 414
Tekijä:Hui, G. W. L.
Hui, Y. van
Zhang, A.
Otsikko:Analyzing China's air cargo flows and data
Lehti:Journal of Air Transport Management
2004 : MAR, VOL. 10:2, p. 125-135
Asiasana:Air transport
Cargo handling
Vapaa asiasana:Aviation
Tiivistelmä:The paper provides an analysis of China's air cargo flows. The authors identify major air transport hubs in Cina and examine cargo movements between them. They also discuss some of the difficulties in comparing air cargo data between Mainland China and Hong Kong, and point out the areas where China's data system can be further improved. In addition, the paper provides overall statistics on China's aviation and describes air cargo trends in China.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 253068
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