haku: @indexterm air transport / yhteensä: 414
viite: 91 / 414
Tekijä:Genus, A.
Rigakis, A.
Dickson, L.
Otsikko:Managing large-scale IT projects: the case of national air traffic services' new en route centre at Swanwick
Lehti:Technology analysis & strategic management
2003 : DEC, VOL. 15:4, p. 491-503
Asiasana:Air transport
Information technology
Project management
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:UK experience with implementation of high-profile IT projects has been rather unhappy, with projects tending to be severely delayed, to operate poorly and to be prone to escalating costs. There is therefore a need to understand better and to improve the management of such investments. A synthetic approach to analysing large-scale IT projects is adopted, drawing upon research on managing inflexible technology, project management and information technology implementation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254989
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