haku: @indexterm air transport / yhteensä: 414
viite: 83 / 414
Tekijä:Findlay, C.
Otsikko:Plurilateral agreements on trade in air transport services: the US model
Lehti:Journal of Air Transport Management
2003 : JUL, VOL. 9:4, p. 211-220
Asiasana:Air transport
Tiivistelmä:The nature of the implements to trade and investment in the international air transport markets are discussed. The treatment of these impediments in the May 2001 US Plurilateral Agreement are examined, and compared to a benchmark based on the principles for an open club. The conclusion of this comparison is that the US Plurilateral will not lead to a genuine liberalising outcome.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 256094
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