haku: @indexterm WORKERS / yhteensä: 414
viite: 23 / 414
Tekijä:Albrecht, J.
Navarro, L.
Vroman, S.
Otsikko:The effects of labour market policies in an economy with an informal sector
Lehti:Economic Journal
2009 : JUL, VOL. 119:539 p. 1105-1129
Asiasana:Latin America
Tiivistelmä:In this paper, an equilibrium is searched and matching model of an economy with an informal sector presented. The model extends Mortensen and Pissarides (1994) by taking account of ex ante worker heterogeneity with respect to formal-sector productivity. The model is used to analyze the impact of labor market policy on informal-sector and formal-sector output, on the division of the workforce into unemployment, informal-sector employment and formal-sector employment, and on wages. Finally, the distributional implications of labor market policy is explored.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273321
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