haku: @indexterm financial policy / yhteensä: 417
viite: 41 / 417
Tekijä:Wang, Jiulong
Otsikko:A new trend of the development of international banking and the choice of China (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Economics Information (c)
1999 : 11, p.61-67
Tiivistelmä:To develop full-service banks in China will contribute to increasing the competitive power of China's commercial banks, reducing their risks and promoting the reform of the State-owned enterprises. At the same time, the development of capital market also requires the conversion of commercial banks into full-service banks. The conversion can be divided into three stages: first, to expand banking business within the current laws and regulations. Second, to try out the full-service model in some selected commercial banks. Third, to convert all the commercial banks into full-services banks.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 209134
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