haku: @indexterm CORPORATE EARNINGS / yhteensä: 42
viite: 21 / 42
Tekijä:Ely, K.
Waymire, G.
Otsikko:Accounting standard-setting organizations and earnings relevance: longitudinal evidence from NYSE common stocks, 1927-93
Lehti:Journal of Accounting Research
1999 : AUTUMN, VOL. 37:2, p. 293-317
Asiasana:Accounting research
Corporate earnings
Organizational research
Stock markets
Stock exchanges
Share valuation
Tiivistelmä:The authors report evidence on the relevance of earnings for valuation of NYSE common stocks from 1927-93. For each sample year, they select a random sample of NYSE firms and measure the strength of association between earnings and stock returns. Based on a time-series analysis of this measure, they investigate earnings relevance.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 202626
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