haku: @freeterm Sustainability / yhteensä: 42
viite: 18 / 42
Tekijä:Schumacher, I.
Zou, B.
Otsikko:Pollution perception: a challenge for intergenerational equity
Lehti:Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
2008 : MAY, VOL. 55:3, p. 296-309
environmental damage
overlapping-generations models
Vapaa asiasana:pollution perception
intergenerational equity
Tiivistelmä:The inter-generational aspects of environmental degradation have come up lately in economic science. In this study the authors use concept of pollution perception to illustrate situation where generations perceive the current level of pollution to differ from the actual level. Empirical evidence from latest advances in behavioral economics is the basis of this extension of current literature on overlapping generations and pollution. The findings show that pollution perception can lead inter-generational inequality if generations transfer the costs of their actions to the future. It is also challenge for policy makers who should make forward-looking decisions that support inter-generational equity.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267387
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