haku: @freeterm Sustainability / yhteensä: 42
viite: 16 / 42
Tekijä:Huijstee, M.
Glasbergen, P.
Otsikko:The practice of stakeholder dialogue between multinationals and NGOs
Lehti:Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental management
2008 : SEP-OCT, VOL. 15:5, p. 298-310
Asiasana:multinational companies
non-government organizations
strategic management
Vapaa asiasana:dialogue
corporate social responsibility
Tiivistelmä:This article examines the patterns in the emerging dialogue practice between multinationals and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It investigates what drives the practice, where stakeholder management is located in the organizational structure and how topics and patterns for stakeholder dialogue are selected. It also examines which type of dialogue occur and what outcomes they have. The strategic management model and the sustainability model are used in this context. The results reveal that corporate stakeholder dialogues with environmental NGOs have a high instrumental value for strategic management. However current dialogues are a possible but not a necessary instrument for corporate environmental sustainability.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270100
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