haku: @journal_id 1343 / yhteensä: 429
viite: 425 / 429
Tekijä:Russ, F.
McNeilly, K.
Otsikko:Links among satisfaction, commitment and turnover intentions: the moderating effect of experience, gender, and performance
Lehti:Journal of Business Research
1995 : SEP, VOL. 34:1, p. 57-66
Tiivistelmä:The authors develop and test hypotheses about the moderating impact of experience, gender, and performance on the relationship among job satisfaction dimensions, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions. In the sales force studied, gender moderates the link between organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Experience and performance moderate the links between job satisfaction dimensions and organizational commitment. There also appears to be a joint moderator effect of gender and experience on the strength of the relationship between turnover intentions and organizational commitment.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 138567
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