haku: @indexterm Vietnam / yhteensä: 43
viite: 11 / 43
Tekijä:Soloman, A.
Prasso, S.
Otsikko:When's the next flight out?
Lehti:Business Week
1997 : OCT 6, VOL. 3531:861, p. 28-29
Tiivistelmä:Gazing across Hanoi's beautiful West Lake from his office at the soon-to-open Hanoi Club, Antony Cottan wonders what went wrong. As general manager of Vietnam's first exclusive private sports club, he spent 16 months overseeing the joint venture between Singapore's Econ Vietnam Investments and a state-owned company. But after doing everything from supervising construction and training staff to picking out crockery for the restaurants, he is being forced to pack his bags and leave.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 169871
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