haku: @indexterm Organizational culture / yhteensä: 432
viite: 407 / 432
Tekijä:Shenhar, A.
Otsikko:Improving upward communication through open-door policies.
Lehti:Human Systems Management
1990 : VOL. 9:2, p. 77-88
Tiivistelmä:Very important component of modern quality and integrated process management is involving the employees in effective communication of their ideas, initiatives and actions with the traditionally poorly informed layers of management. So called "open-door" policies are certainly the first and necessary step towards a more human way of management. This question becomes even more relevant for high-technology firms which employ extensive numbers of highly educated professionals. The organizational advantages of open-door policies are discussed, together with dysfunctional and cost aspects. Many failures of "open-door" policies in traditional hierarchical management are quoted. The reasons are explained. Some future research directions are shown.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 83223
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