haku: @indexterm Economic history / yhteensä: 434
viite: 56 / 434
Tekijä:Bowen, H. V.
Otsikko:Sinews of trade and empire: the supply of commodity exports to the East India Company during the late eighteenth century
Lehti:Economic History Review
2002 : AUG, VOL. 55:3, p. 466-486
Tiivistelmä:The author answers whether the Company's should export trade continue to be ignored or dismissed, as often has been the case over the years. This article suggests not, for if analysis is extended beyond the aggregate values of commodities shipped to the East, a strong case can be advanced that the export trade exerted considerable influence upon a number of different regions and industries. Such a case is made through an exploration of some of the ways in which the supply of export commodities to the East India trade facilitated a range of interactions between the Company and the wider British economy. In the past, this subject has received only very limited attention from historians of particular domestic trades and industries.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 241740
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