haku: @indexterm OPTIMAL CONTROL THEORY / yhteensä: 44
viite: 25 / 44
Tekijä:Feichtinger, G.
Hartl, R.
Sethi, S.
Otsikko:Dynamic optimal control models in advertising: recent developments
Lehti:Management Science
1994 : FEB, VOL. 40:2, p. 195-226
Tiivistelmä:This paper presents a review of recent developments that have taken place in the area of dynamic optimal control models in advertising subsequent to the comprehensive survey of the literature by Sethi in 1977. The purpose of this update is twofold. On the one hand, new contributions in the areas already treated in the earlier survey are reviewed. On the other hand, new trends in the advertising literature since 1977 , such as quality as an additional marketing instrument, cumulative sales models, pulsing advertising, and advertising as a part of corporate models of the firm, are discussed.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 113820
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