haku: @indexterm FOOD PRICES / yhteensä: 44
viite: 14 / 44
Tekijä:Friedman, M.
Otsikko:American consumer boycotts in response to rising food prices: Housewives' protests at the grassroots level
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Policy
1995 : MAR, VOL. 18:1, p. 55-72
Tiivistelmä:This historical review of consumer economic boycotts in the 20th century finds that from the early 1900s to the 1970s, consumers at the grassroots level repeatedly launched boycotts in response to price rises for food. What is particularly noteworthy about these protest actions is the important roles assumed by housewives, both as leaders and followers. Also of interest is the ad hoc nature of the boycott efforts and their inability to have more than a temporary remedial effect on the retail pricing practices which prompted the boycott actions. The paper ends with a discussion of the demise of the price-increase boycotts, a discussion which draws heavily on the changing role of American women in the late 20th century.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 138688
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