haku: @indexterm hong kong / yhteensä: 440
viite: 4 / 440
Tekijä:Song, H.
Kim, J.H.
Yang, S.
Otsikko:Confidence intervals for tourism demand elasticity
Lehti:Annals of Tourism Research
2010 : APR, VOL 37:2 p. 377-396
Asiasana:tourist industry
demand analysis
elasticity of demand
Hong Kong
Tiivistelmä:Elasticity of tourism demand in the long run is an important policy indicator for tourism service providers. Previous research has concentrated on point estimates of demand elasticities. The paper presents a new statistical method, a bias-corrected bootstrap model, for providing confidence intervals for demand elasticities. The method is utilized to investigate demand for Hong Kong tourism.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272824
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