haku: @indexterm industrial development / yhteensä: 454
viite: 46 / 454
Tekijä:Lin, Yun
Otsikko:A review and prospect of the industrialization in new China (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Study of Finance and Economics (c)
1999 : 11, p.40-46
Tiivistelmä:The paper reviews the new China's industrialization in the past 50 years and paints out that although the former 30 years it underwent a high-speed development whole bringing a series of problems with it, the reform and opening up the latter 20 years were giving new dynamics to it. Finally the paper is looking forward to the influences on it by a sustainable development, "reentry into GAT" and the initial formation of the demand-oriented economy.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 204969
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