haku: @journal_id 1385 / yhteensä: 458
viite: 42 / 458
Tekijä:Jacobson, T.
Roszbach, K.
Otsikko:Bank lending policy, credit scoring and value-at-risk
Lehti:Journal of Banking and Finance
2003 : APR, VOL. 27:4, p. 615-633
Credit management
Tiivistelmä:The authors build on the credit-scoring literature and propose a method to calculate portfolio credit risk. Individual default risk estimates are used to compose a value-at-risk measure of credit risk. The paper uses a large data set with Swedish consumer credit data that contains extensive financial and personal information on both rejected and approved applications. The results show that the size of a small consumer loan does not affect associated default-risk minimization. VaR calculations indicate that an efficient selection of loan applicants can reduce credit risk by up to 80%.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 253190
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